Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Have you been good this year? Let Santa know with this fun holiday print. If not, he'll at least want to know that you tried, right? These prints look so adorable hung by the tree, on the fireplace mantel or framed and left by the cookies and milk. And as my gift to you, they are here for free download!

Simply click on the image of the print you wish to download, drag to your desktop and print on 8 1/2 X 11 cardstock (these look really nice if the stock has some texture to it). Then trim to 8 X 10 and frame or mount on some matboard.

You can also reduce the size when printing to make really cute notecards - couple the notecards with a print, package up in cellophane envelopes and you have yourself a sweet little hostess gift.


Monday, December 13, 2010


They're back!! My most favorite shirt from last year has made an appearance at Old Navy once again. And like last year, I was tempted to buy one for every girl on the planet (including me!). I settled for just the girls in my little family, but the sentiment in this shirt is huge. And I LOVE it.

Taking the world saving to heart, Petunia has once again set out to help by spreading the American Girl doll love - (go ahead, insert eye roll; it's OK). She's nine, so in her eyes there's no better way, right? Having raised money to donate American Girl dolls to The Home for Little Wanderers and Birthday Wishes for a couple of years now, this year Petunia had to get creative with her fundraising efforts. And she did!

Petunia has an "in" with Stella & Dot and decided to sell their new
friendship bracelets to help with her fundraising this year. And you know what? She's a smart little cookie, that Petunia! These bracelets match the spirit of her efforts so beautifully that she could not have thought of a better idea! The friendship bracelets are available in four colors, each representing the best traits of a true friend - smart, fun, true and kind. Qualities that every girl needs if she's going to save the world! So for every friendship bracelet sold through this link, 100% of the proceeds will go to the Home for Little Wanderers to fulfill wishes for children who may otherwise receive nothing at all this Christmas.

Since you may not need a friendship bracelet (why? I don't know - they're super cute!). But you may not, so I will extend this effort and donate 100% of the proceeds of any purchase made through this link to The Home for Little Wanderers. Be sure to enter Jo-Ann Coe as hostess to receive the reduced trunk show shipping rate. Stella & Dot ships so quickly (and beautifully packaged), that there is still plenty of time for holiday shopping! So you can cross some gifts off your holiday list (let's face it, you're running out of time!) or even glam yourself up for all of those holiday festivities! Orders are shipped directly to you and received in 3-4 business days!

Have you set out to save the world? Tell me how - I'd love to hear!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I love having giveaways. Love it! The thrill of pulling a person's name and making their day is a total rush. But then, like any rush, there's the let down. In giveaways, the let down is that once you choose the winner, you've just made everyone else who entered a loser. Well, not a loser, but you know what I mean. So in the spirit of holiday gift giving, today, everyone's a winner here at Pumpkin Petunia! And the best part about this gift is that you can regift it! That's right, go ahead and give it away, I won't mind. Honest.

My gift to all of you is a free download of these beautiful Floral Cheers Notecards! Simply click on the image above then right-click or drag to desktop to download and print on letter sized cardstock. Cut on the solid line, fold on the dotted line (use a bone folder for best results) and you're done! Package a set of these up with A2 sized envelopes and a pretty pen and you have yourself a lovely little gift!

But before you get started, I have to give props to the source for the amazing floral pattern used in this design. Thanks so much to the Inspired Bride for sharing this lovely pattern. Please remember that the notecards (and the design elements at Inspired Bride) are for personal use only. You are free to print as many notecards as you like; use them and give them away to your heart's content, but please do not sell or represent these designs as your own.