Wednesday, January 19, 2011


How adorable are these gumball necklaces by One Charming Party? Such a perfect and special treat for Valentine's Day! They are so beautiful that I can hardly believe that they are made of gumballs. But they are - see, I'll prove it!

Here is a gumball being pierced with a skewer to create the necklace. Go here for the how-to!

For a similar look that will last a bit longer, check out these adorable designs from Stella & Dot. Each necklace arrives packaged in an adorable little tin for a lovely presentation and safe keeping. An adorable gift for a sweet little Valentine.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


This beautiful photo from Martha Stewart's website makes me miss Blueprint magazine. At least some of the content lives on...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Saturday, January 15, 2011


A big thank you to everyone around the web who was kind enough to feature my various Valentine printables.

Kind Over Matter asked for an exclusive design just for them and of course I was more than happy (and honored!) to oblige. So head over to Kind Over Matter for my exclusive water labels.

Living Locurto and One Pretty Thing, along with several other lovely bloggers, have kindly linked up to my Valentine cootie catchers. Remember those? So fun! There is a girl and a boy version available.

And last but not least, the incomparable Martha Stewart has once again featured my Matchbook Notebook Valentines. There's not much more that I can say about that - she's the Queen!

Watch this week for a brand new design all set to go and available for download this week!