Sunday, September 14, 2008


When it comes to photos of my children, I have always been drawn to black and white photography. There was something about the quirky expressions and creamy skin of a newborn captured in black and white that made my heart skip a beat. But lately, I find myself drawn to the other side. No, not the dark side, the bright and fun side of full-color photography.

This change has been reflected in my professional life as well. Where I once designed photo cards almost exclusively in black and white, I am finding myself creating designs around color photographs more and more. There was a time in the very recent past where I would create a group of prototypes around a client's photo that included just one, obligatory design based on a color photo. Now, I am finding myself designing around full-color photos more and more. This change has come about mostly due to client preference and client request. At first I resisted, wishing they would choose my favorite designs that seemed to always focus on black and whites. 

But now, I'm wondering if my signature style is evolving into one that embraces the vibrancy of color photography. I have a feeling that Holiday 2008 will feature a record number of  full-color photo selections as I see the preferences of my clients evolve. Where they once considered black and white photography "something different", the sweeping popularity of b&w has caused the tide to turn and full-color designs are quickly becoming the new something different.

As for my own personal preference, the jury is still out. I have to admit that I still almost immediately convert my favorite photos to black and white. The difference now is that, once the photo is cropped and edited, I am sure to save a copy in full-color as well. Looking at them side by side, I'm still torn and am not sure which way my heart is leaning.

So what do you think? Do you prefer the color or the b&w photo of each of my girls? And in general, is it black and white or color photography that has your heart? I'd love to hear!


Suzy said...

Interesting. I changed everything to BW until each kid was about 18 months and then I switched to color. I'm working back to BW again.

The photos you posted...I like one in BW and one in color. I think a lot of has to do with the clothing, background and general composition of the photo. I love how the red pops off the dark color there.


Hi Suzy. Yes, it does depend on the composition for sure. I tried to choose two very similar photos to compare. My picks were actually the opposite of yours, lol! Color for Petunia and b&w for peanut. Now I'm even more curious to hear what others have to say.

CzaMama said...

Party girl, I think the same as you...Petunia in color and Peanut in b&w.

In general, however, it completely depends on the picture and where/how it will be used...sometimes it's color, sometimes b&w.

Rachel said...

My vote is color--with no technical reason other than that is my first impression when I see the pics. :)